Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanks to Everyone That has Helped Me Out in my Life!

This journey has been a long and hard one for me.  Becoming literate was very difficult for me.  I am so thankful for my mom and dad and first grade teacher for helping me out the most.  All of my teachers have helped me improve on all of my skills and I hope to keep learning!  Without all of their help I do not think I would have the learning capabilities that I have now.  Having people support you and teach you things you may not know is always a great feeling.  I love my parents very much and always know that they are always there for me no matter what!  I have learned from all of my experiences that practice makes perfect, and to never ever give up!!!  All th tears and hard work I put forth got me to where I am now, and persvered through all of the struggles life threw at me.  I am 18 years old and still learning new things every day! :)


I am graduating first grade today.  I get to move on to the second grade!! I am so happy and proud of myself!!! I never thought this day would come!  My teacher told me good job for all of my hard work today! She asked me to read a poem at the graduation! I am so happy! I hope I do not mess up on any words!!  My parents will be there and all of my friends will be listening!!  I wish my dog could be there for me and all of my pretty cats!  I am hungry so I am going to eat before my graduation! BYE!

New Books!!!!!

Today at school I got an A on my reading and spelling test!  I got a really cool sticker on my paper!!  My parents were so proud of me! I think my teacher has noticed me once again and how much I have improved!  It makes me feel so good knowing that I am not one of the kids who can't read anymore.  I know I can accomplish all of my goals in the future and hope one day to become an artist! I still come home everyday and practice reading with my mom and dad.  I bought new books yesterday with my mom and I can not wait to start reading them.  They are big girl books that do not have picures in them! My mom and dad will be so surprised knowing that I can read to them without their help from my new books!!!


I love School!

I have been doing very good at reading from books and writing small words.  When my teacher asks me to read aloud to the class, I do pretty good.  My teacher asks me about my progress from my parents help every now and again.  I explain to her that it helps me a lot!! I think I am improving slowly but surely! I know it will take me a long time to perfect my reading and writing skills, but I am proud of myself for practicing.  Every little bit helps!  Knowing that my parents care for me and want me to do well in school lets me know that they love me a lot and would do anything for me!

Reading is Fun!

It has been almost two weeks and I have improved so much on my reading skills.  In my class today we took a spelling test and I think I got a really good grade on it!!! I am so happy! My mom and dad have noticed I have gotten better at reading, too! I am starting to love to read.  I just hope I can still improve because I know there is a lot more to learn!  It is starting to become easier because I practice every day with my mom or dad.  I am rewarded, too, if I read for an extra ten minutes I can watch tv for an extra 30 minutes!  My teacher has even noticed a difference and told my mom and dad I am improving, which is awesome!!! I am glad my teacher has noticed me! I hope to keep learning!

Pratice Makes Perfect!

Today my mom and dad decided to pratice reading with me everyday after I come home from school.  Everyday either my mom or dad will sit me down on our comfy, homey couch and I will practice reading to them, pronouncing words while they help me out with the words I do not know.  I love this idea because I feel like I will learn so much so fast.  I know they can help me improve on my reading skills!  My mom told me after I got better at reading they would practice writing with me, too!!! :) For our first reading session I think I did pretty well.  I struggled a lot and am kind of worried, but hopefuly it will get better.  Our session lasted 15 minutes! I will update you in a week and let you know of my progress!!  Everyday we will do this and I will get better I hope!! Yay! I can not wait to tell my friends of how good I am going to go! See ya!!!

Sad Day

Today was a very bad day.  I came home crying because I failed my spelling and reading test.  I finally decided to tell my mom and dad that I was not like the rest of the kids in my class.  They were all smarter and could read.  I explained to them that I needed help.  They wanted to do anything they could to help me.  I love them so much, and my dog was so understanding of all my sad problems.  I feel so dumb and I feel like I will never be able to read or write.  What am I going to do with myself?  I hope my friends will like me again.  I want to be able to pass the first grade.  I want to go to second grade one day with all of my friends.  I am going to cry myself to sleep tonight.  I hope I get better and can be normal!!!!  I am going to eat dinner and scream into my pillow.  Goodnight world.

Taylor :(

Today at Recess

Today at school me and my friends were playing after lunch on the playground.  We played a game involving reading and I could not play because I could not read or spell like my friends.  My friends ignored me so I went to the corner and played by myself.  The grass was very itchy and cold.  I was very lonely and I could not wait for recess to be over so I could go inside and finish the rest of my sad day.  I decided I needed to practice reading and writing so my friends would like me again.  One day I will be very very smart and beat all my friends in the spelling bee.  My parents and teachers will be so proud of me!!!!!  I can't decided if I should tell my parents or not.  No,I am going to tell my dog my problems and I hope he understands.  I know he loves me.  Bye for now.

Taylor Sharp

School is getting harder

Hi again, I just got home from school.  Today we learned how to spell new words and tried pronouncing words out of a book to my teacher, Mrs. Younker.  The book was called "See Spot Run."  This was very difficult for me because I do not know how to read yet, but all of my friends are good at reading.  I try very hard to learn from my teacher but I just can not do it yet.  I am thinking about telling my mom and dad about my problem but I don't want them to be mad at me.  We have a reading test on Friday so hopefully I get a good grade.  I want my mommy and daddy to be proud of me because one day I want to be an artist.

See ya later,

Hi I'm Taylor!

Hi my name is Taylor Sharp and I am in the first grade.  I love school because I love my friends and teacher.  Everyone is so nice to me and willing to help out with anything.  We have two gerbils in the class room named Brownie and Blackie.  They are brown and black and very fuzzy.  We are allowed to play with them if we get all of our work done and behave.  Every day at school we learn someting new, but I have trouble sometimes understanding and learning.  Eventually I hope to be really good at reading and adding and subtracting.  Today for our snacks we had carrots and apple juice.  I can't wait for tomorrow's snacks.  Talk to you later,
